We have a short and to-the-point episode for you this week to introduce you to our comprehensive guide, How To Grow Your Board Presence.
In this guide, you’ll find insight into growing your board presence that you’ve never heard anywhere else. You’ll also find tips and strategies you can employ to grow your presence.
Even if you’re not yet presenting to the board of directors, it’s highly likely that you are or will be presenting to senior leaders in your organization. So be sure to check out the guide for tips and strategies today.
Be sure to tune in to the end for the winners of our podcast launch giveaway – it may be you!
What You’ll Learn from this Episode:
- What you’ll learn from our guide, How To Grow Your Board Presence:
- Why having board presence or executive presence can increase the level of success that you have in your role.
- What board presence or executive presence is exactly.
- How it feels to be a board member or senior leader.
- Specific tips and strategies that will help you demonstrate your executive presence in 3 different ways.
Listen to the Full Episode:
Featured on the Show:
- Get more details on the upcoming online course: How To Land A Role You’ll Thrive In (mykajabi.com)
- Download my guide How To Grow Your Board Presence
Full Episode Transcript:
Hi there, everyone! This will be a short episode today. Now that COVID is
subsiding a little, my business travel is picking up and last week threw me off my
schedule a bit. Now I know that I’ll have to take that into account when
recording these weekly episodes!
But just because it’s a short episode doesn’t mean that you won’t be getting a lot
of valuable content. I’m going to be sharing a guide in the show notes
today that is filled with some insights on the topic of board presence that you
won’t hear anywhere else. It’s also filled with a large number of tips and strategies
for growing your own board presence.
Now the guide may be entitled “How To Grow Your Board Presence,” but really I could have called it “How To Grow Your Executive Presence When You’re Presenting to Senior Leaders.” And even if you’re not yet presenting to the board of directors, it’s highly likely that you are or will be presenting to senior leaders in your organization. So be sure to check out the guide for tips and strategies that you can use.
Let me explain in a little more detail what you’ll find in the guide:
First, I explain why having board presence or executive presence can increase the level of success that you have in your role. So, no matter how successful you already are, growing your board presence or executive presence will amplify that success.
Secondly, I dive into an exploration of what exactly is board presence or executive presence anyway. You’ll get a very clear definition of what it is, and with a clear definition you’ll also have a clear understanding of the goal that you’re working towards.
Thirdly, I’ll describe to you how it feels to be a board member or senior leader, and why that impacts what they need to hear from you. You’ve heard the phrase “know your audience,” right? Well, you might be surprised by how it feels to be this particular audience, and it’s definitely worth reading this section of the guide and understanding that better.
And finally, the last part of the guide provides you with many specific tips and strategies that will help you demonstrate your executive presence in 3 different ways… through demonstrating relaxed self-confidence, through demonstrating clarity of communication, and through demonstrating senior leadership behavior. There’s bound to be several strategies in there that are an excellent fit for who you are.
OK everyone, that’s it for today. All the rest of the content is in the guide that you can download from the show notes.
Next week, I’ll be back with one of our regular episodes. Starting sometime in October, I’ll be periodically interviewing experts in the fields of influence, persuasion and presence as well as having episodes where it’s just me sharing insights and tips. It will be fun to get some new views and inspiration for all of us!
So, have an awesome rest of the week, and I’ll see you in our next episode!
Thanks for listening to this episode of Mastering The Power Skills. If you like what was offered in today’s show and want more insights and resources from Kathy, check us out at www.significagroup.com.
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