Discover four fun and easy-to-implement tips for intriguing and guiding your audience. You’ll hear what you can sprinkle into your pitches or presentations to power up your persuasiveness, and the key pieces that will perk up your audience and bring your pitch to life.Continue Reading
This week we explore the five sources of power available to you and which give you the most return on your investment of time and effort.Continue Reading
Discover tips and strategies you can apply in your day-to-day life to get the results you want to see by the end of 2023. You’ll learn three simple actions you can begin practicing so that by this time next year, you’ll be more adept, effective, and powerful in whatever you do. Continue Reading
Listen in this week to hear four very simple tips to make sure you’re always perceived as someone with senior management potential. You’ll hear the long-term and short-term value of not appearing junior, and what you need to do to not look like a junior so you’re seen as a strong successor for bigger roles. Continue Reading
In the second of our series on workplace bullying we focus on the difference between bullying intent and bullying behavior. Why is that important? Because each requires different strategies to navigate skillfully.Continue Reading
Tune in to discover the most frequent hurdles that get in your way of using the power skills of influence, persuasion, and presence effectively, and how to avoid them so you don’t end up self-sabotaging or disempowering yourself in the process. Continue Reading
Much of the advice out there for handling workplace bullies seems, well.... a little weak, right? Instead use this step-by-step roadmap to ultimately not just thwart the bully but also come out of the experience with even greater power and respect.Continue Reading
Listen in this week to discover why building rapport is essential for growing the power skill of influence, and five ways to do so that you may not be using.Continue Reading
When we take into account the natural self-interest of others, we increase our persuasive power and gain greater support for our ideas.Continue Reading
Professional diplomacy is all about the wise exercise of influence. Angie Bryan shares how to build rewarding relationships though simple AND enjoyable methods.Continue Reading